New Responding Groups. The blog responding groups have been shuffled around this week one last time before the end of the semester! So be sure to check on who is in your group: Blog Responding.
Storybook Stack. I'm still working my way through the stack of Storybook assignments that people have turned in this week. If you want to check to make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here. Everyone who turned in a Week 12 assignment on time should have gotten that back from me; if you turned in a late Week 12 assignment or an early assignment for Week 13, 14 or 15, I will get comments back to you on Friday. If you want comments before the weekend, make sure you turn in your assignment by Friday at noon.
Grading and points. (repeat announcement) For detailed information about finishing up the class, see the Grading Information page. In short, you need 410 to get an A, 360 points to get a B, and 320 points to get a C. When you get the number of points you need, you are done! It is fine with me if you decide to stop doing work for the class whenever you have the grade you want to receive (many of you are taking this class for Gen. Ed. requirements, which means you just need a C to get graduation credit). My only request is that you please let me know when you are done so I can record the final grade for you in the Gradebook.
Mix and match points. (repeat announcement) Now that there are just a few weeks of the semester left, you might want to plan to do some "mix and match" in terms of just which assignments you want to complete this semester to get the points you need for the grade you want to get. So, based on the assignments you enjoy most/least in the class, you can certainly skip some assignments, provided that you end up with the points you need at the end. My only recommendation is that you do this cautiously. You don't want to skip so many assignments that you end up not getting the points you need for your desired grade.
Weekend Events on Campus. On Friday and Saturday evenings, you can see the OU Lab Theatre's staging of Eugene O'Neill's romantic comedy "Ah, Wilderness!" Find out more about this event and other events happening this weekend at the Campus Calendar online.
April 22 2011: Good Friday. The Easter calendar of the western Christian Church varies from year to year. This year, Easter Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, April 24, and Friday, April 22, is known as Good Friday. In many countries, there are "Hot Cross Buns" which are eaten on Good Friday, decorated with the sign of the cross. Not surprisingly, there are various superstitious about this special holiday bread, and you can read more about that at Wikipedia. One of the beliefs about Hot Cross Buns is that if you share a Hot Cross Bun with someone on Good Friday, you will enjoy friendship with them all year long, provided that you say this charm: "Half for you and half for me / Between us two shall goodwill be."