Storybook stack. If you turned in an assignment on Sunday, you should have comments back from me by now. If you turned something in on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday, your assignment is probably still in the stack. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I have received your assignment. If you want comments back on an early Week 13-14-15 Storybook assignment this week, make sure you get that turned in by Friday at noon.
Week 13 Internet assignment NOW AVAILABLE. (repeat announcement) Now that Week 13 has begun, the Week 13 Internet assignment is available: you will be asked to nominate your favorite Storybook projects in various categories, and also to leave some thank-yous to the people whose comments were most helpful to you this semester. Then, on Monday afternoon, April 25, when everybody has submitted their nominations, I will put up a ballot based on the most nominated Storybooks. For information about the Week 14 Internet assignment, see Monday's announcements.
THURSDAY Events on Campus. There's a New Century Ensemble concert at 9PM in Sharp Concert Hall (Catlett), and admission is free! Find out more about this event and other events happening on Thursday at the Campus Calendar online.
April 21: John Muir. Today marks the birthday of John Muir, a great American environmentalist and writer. Muir was born in Scotland in 1838 and immigrated to America with his family in 1849. Muir was instrumental in the protection of Yosemite Valley and other natural treasures of northern California. You can read more about Muir's amazing life and inspiring achievements in this Wikipedia article. There are many places named in honor of John Muir, and one of my favorites is Muir Woods, located just north of San Francisco. Here is a picture of the beautiful redwoods there: