Friday, April 29 - Sunday, May 1

HAPPY WEEKEND! You have reached the end of Week 14! The Week 14 Read and Respond assignment (blog commenting) is available now, and the remaining Week 14 assignments are due on Friday or on Saturday or Sunday - please make sure you get started on those assignments soon. I would also strongly - STRONGLY - encourage you to finish your Week 15 assignments this weekend, since it is the LAST WEEKEND you will have to do work for this class.

IMPORTANT SCHEDULE NOTE. For those of you who will still be doing classwork during Week 15 (dead week), please be aware that it is on a different schedule: All final Week 15 assignments are due by Friday, May 6, at NOON. In addition, unlike previous weeks, you do not have the option to turn in your Week 14 Storybook assignment late. Instead, your Week 14 Storybook assignment MUST be turned in on time - that is, during the Week 14 grace period Monday morning, May 2, at the very latest. No late Week 14 Storybook assignments will be accepted. You have to get the Week 14 assignment turned in on time so that I can get comments back to you in time to complete your Week 15 assignment by Friday at noon!

Course evaluation at (repeat announcement) You all should have received an email from the College of Arts & Sciences about the course evaluations for all your courses available now at the website. I hope you will take a few minutes to complete the evaluation - your feedback is incredibly helpful to me in making improvements to these courses, and it is also a big help to the College in general as they continue to develop the online course program. The online course program exists because students find it valuable to be able to take courses online, and any ideas you have for how the program can be improved will be very useful to the College as they continue (hopefully!) to offer these online courses. Plus, you might win a free iPad just for participating!

Final Grades. As you reach the points you need for your final grade in this class - 410 points for an A, 360 points for a B, 320 points for a C - let me know, and I'll record the letter grade for you there in the Desire2Learn Gradebook. You can mix and match whatever assignments you prefer to get the final points you need - but be careful as you make your choices, so that you don't accidentally come up short of the points you will need.

Storybook stack. As of Friday morning, there were a few Storybooks still in the stack; you can see here the contents of the stack. If you want to turn in a Storybook to get comments and points before the weekend, make sure you turn that in by noon on Friday!

FRIDAY Events on Campus. The Writing Center "Write Club Movie Night" will be showing Inception at 6PM in 280 Wagner Hall - candy and popcorn provided! Click here for time/location details. Find out more about this event and other events happening on Friday at the Campus Calendar online.

Storybook ballot results! Thanks to all of you who took the time to cast your ballot, and congratulations to the winners, to all the nominees, and to EVERYBODY who learned how to make your own website this semester: I hope that is a skill that will turn out to be useful to you in the future! :-)


Best Overall Storybook
Alexis - The World's Most Eligible Bachelor
Best Storybook Topic
Robbie - The Adventures of Sailor Crusade
Best Written Storybook
Brandi - Urban Myths and Scary Tales
Most Creative Storytelling
Jacklyn - Bedtime in Oz
Best Design Overall
Bhargav - Tales of Ferocious Pirates


Best Overall Storybook
Elizabeth R. - Women Reincarnate
Best Written Storybook
Liz T. - The Magical Book of Love
Best Design Overall
Ishani - Timeless Love Stories


Best Overall Storybook
Jamie - Devil May Care
Best Written Storybook
Stephanie - Better Gnomes & Gardens presents... Shrek!
Best Design Overall
Jessica - Lost in Wonderland