VOTING: Polls close at 5PM today. Today, Thursday, is your last chance to vote for your favorite Storybooks. Just like every semester, because all the Storybooks are so good, the votes are VERY close - so, yes, a single vote does make a difference in this local micro-election. You can see the nominees here for all three classes. The voting will go until 5PM today, Thursday, and I'll announce the results in Friday's announcements.
Storybook stack. There are still a few Storybooks in the stack which I hope to get to today. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I have received your assignment. If you want to get comments back before the weekend, make sure to get your Storybooks turned in by Friday at noon.
Course evaluation at For information about the course evaluation now available online, see Tuesday's announcements.
Week 15 Schedule. For those of you who will still be doing classwork during Week 15 (dead week), please read the note in Tuesday's announcements.
Grading and points. (repeat announcement) For detailed information about finishing up the class, see the Grading Information page. In short, you need 410 to get an A, 360 points to get a B, and 320 points to get a C. When you get the number of points you need, you are done! It is fine with me if you decide to stop doing work for the class whenever you have the grade you want to receive (many of you are taking this class for Gen. Ed. requirements, which means you just need a C to get graduation credit). My only request is that you please let me know when you are done so I can record the final grade for you in the Gradebook.
THURSDAY Events on Campus. Prof. Kenneth Hodges will be giving a lecture Not Dead Yet: Robin Hood and Late Medieval Chivalry at 7PM in the OCCE Forum Building. Click here for time/location. Find out more about this event and other events happening on Thursday at the Campus Calendar online.
April 28: Terry Pratchett. Today is the birthday of Terry Pratchett, one of my own favorite authors. Happy Birthday, Terry Pratchett! Pratchett is best known for his Discworld fantasy series of novels, which now number 37. They are wonderful books - people debate about which is the best one to read to start with, but my feeling is that you can plunge in at random and enjoy yourself no matter where you begin; the first one that I read was Thief of Time - it's a marvelous book! Pratchett was recently diagnosed with an early-onset form of Alzheimer's disease, and he has said that he would like the right to die before he becomes completely debilitated; you can read his thoughts about that here. He has also said that he still has a few books left in him that want to come out - let's hope so! His writing is a treasure.