Daily Announcements. If you did not keep up with the Announcements this week, check the Announcements blog to review the information covered in all the announcements this week.
Read and Respond Blog Comments. Now that everybody has had a chance to finish their blog posts for the week, the Read and Respond assignment for Week 1 is now available! I've put everybody into "blog groups" to get started. To find out just what you need to do for this assignment and to see who is in your group, visit the Read and Respond assignment page.
Proofreading/Storybook Assignments. I will read and reply to as many of the Proofreading and Storybook assignments as I can on Friday. To make sure that I received your assignment in the email, you can check the stack which lists all the email assignments I have received but have not yet replied to.
Get ahead this weekend! This weekend is the absolute best time to get ahead in this class, before things really get busy in your other classes. If you can do all the Week 2 assignments this weekend, that will give you a cushion of extra time that will make the whole semester much easier for you in this class.
Early Bird extra credit. The Early Bird extra credit is the easiest extra credit you can get. To take these extra credit points, you don't have to do any extra work - you just have to be one week ahead of schedule. So, for example, if you finish the reading and blogging assignments for Week 2 this weekend, you get extra credit just for working ahead. Now is the time to take advantage of that, and you can then stay one week ahead for the rest of the semester.
My weekend schedule. I check email occasionally over the weekend, and I will do my best to respond promptly to any urgent problems or questions that come up. In general, though, any email that you send to me over the weekend will wait until Monday morning, when I get back to work. So, please be patient: if you do not get an answer from me during the weekend, I will get back to you promptly on Monday.
Honors College Research Opportunities. This semester offers a fascinating list of research opportunities for Honors College students - paid research jobs, in fact: Honors Research Assistant Program. Visit the webpage for more information about open positions, eligibility, and the application process.
Friday Events on Campus. There's a free concert - Stardeath and White Dwarfs with Broncho and Chrome Pony - at 7PM on the East Lawn of the Union (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Friday and over the weekend at the Campus Calendar online.
Repeat Announcement: Charming Kitten. I'm sharing this announcement from Tim in the Myth-Folklore class: "I took these pictures of a kitten I just rescued. He made a visit to the vet where he got treatment for his ear mites, dewormer, vaccine, and all those good things. He is now healthy, happy, and in need of a home. As I already have three cats, I cannot keep him so if anybody would like this kitty please let me know." You can use Tim's Comment Wall at the Ning to contact him if you want to know more about this charming kitten! Here are two pictures: