Monday: Time to work ahead. You do not have any assignments due on Monday, which makes it the PERFECT chance to work ahead on the Week 2 assignments. Believe me: if you put off the assignments in this class until the day that they are due, you are going to be under a lot of stress. If you can work at your own pace just a day or two ahead of the deadlines, you will find the class much easier to manage!
Storybook stack. As always on Monday, I will have a huge bunch of assignments in the Storybook stack that were turned in over the weekend or on Monday morning - the Week 1 Storybook assignments from Myth-Folklore, plus early Week 2 and Week 3 Storybook assignments from both classes. The first thing I will do on Monday morning is to update the list of items in the Storybook stack. So, after 8 a.m. or so on Monday, you will be able to check the contents of the stack to make sure I received your assignment. I will then start reading the assignments in the order they were turned in. For those of you who are working ahead: you will need my comments on the assignment before you can move on to the next Storybook assignment - but you can keep working ahead on other assignments, and I will get the Storybook assignments returned as quickly as I can.
Myth-Folklore: Gilgamesh OR Egypt. Those of you who are in the Myth-Folklore class will have a choice of readings each week. In Week 2, the choice is between Gilgamesh OR Egypt. You will do only one set of readings, and take the background quiz and reading quiz based on your choice of Gilgamesh OR Egypt. You will end up with some blank items in the Gradebook; that is just because Desire2Learn, expensive software though it may be, cannot even conceive of a world in which students have a choice of what to do (sad, isn't it?). Your goal is to get 30 points per week, and if you do the quizzes for just one of the reading selections, you will end up with the points you need. Please do not do both sets of quizzes; just do the quizzes for the reading option you have chosen.
Monday Events on Campus. This week is the last chance to see the exhibition by visiting artist visiting artist Sara Schneckloth in the Fred Jones Jr. Art Center; the exhibit runs through September 2 (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on campus at the Campus Calendar online.
August 29: Ingres. Today marks the birthday in the year 1780 of the great French Neoclassical painter, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. You can read more about Ingres' life and career in this Wikipedia article. He painted many mythological subjects; one of his most famous paintings is this depiction of Oedipus and the Sphinx; you can read about the Oedipus legend here.