D2L QUIZ ERRORS: FIXED. Supposedly the problems with D2L quizzes have been fixed. So, you should not be running into any problems... but if you do, I definitely need to know since D2L apparently does not keep records of these errors - they depend on us to report it. So, if you get an error message when you take a quiz, please let me know WHICH quiz (or declaration) and what the error message is. Sending a screenshot is great (here's how to do screenshots). Thanks for your help! I hope very much that this is the last time we will have this problem.
Storybook Stack. A very large number of Storybook assignments came in over the weekend and on Monday, and I've been reading through those in the order that they came in. If you turned in a Myth-Folklore Bibliography assignment before noon on Sunday, you should have comments back from me, with points recorded for you in the Gradebook (check and make sure!). If you turned something in later on Sunday or on Monday, it is probably still in the stack waiting for me to get to it. If you want to check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here. If you want comments back sooner on your Storybook, turn it in on Friday or Saturday instead of waiting until Sunday. If you wait until Sunday (or later), there is a huge stack of assignments and it takes me a while to reply to them all.
Storybook Comments via email. When I send back Storybook comments to you via email, you will see that my comments are inserted into your email, and are marked with ==> to make them easy to find. PLEASE READ THESE COMMENTS. The comments for each week should help you when you do your assignment for the next week, and possibly in future weeks, too, so make sure you save the emails that I send back to you about your Storybook assignment so that you can consult them later as needed.
Tuesday Events on Campus. Many of you are seniors, so you might be interested in this workshop at Career Services, Tuesday 2:30 PM in the OMU Traditions Room: Creating a Winning Resume (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Tuesday at the Campus Calendar online.
August 30: Birthday of Mary Shelley. August 30, marks the birthday in 1797 of the famous English writer, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (she is the daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft, who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman). Mary Shelley is best known for her novel Frankenstein: or, The Modern Prometheus, published in 1818. I'm sure you are all familiar with Frankenstein and his monster; Prometheus, meanwhile, was the Greek Titan who created human beings out of clay (he is also famous for having stolen fire to give it as a gift to humanity). You can read more about Mary Shelley in this Wikipedia article, which is also the source for this portrait of Shelley painted in 1840 by Richard Rothwell: