Storybook Stack. I'm still making my way through the stack of Storybook assignments that people have turned in. If you turned in an assignment on Sunday before 10PM, you should have comments back from me. If you turned in an assignment later on Sunday or on Monday or Tuesday, it is probably still in the stack. If you want to check to make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here.
Storybook Emails. Please remember to save the emails I send you back about your Storybook assignments. My comments are marked with ==> in the body of the email, and you will need those comments when you go on to the next Storybook assignment. I promise to reply to everybody by the end of the week - but when you turn in an assignment on Sunday or later, the stack is very big, and it takes me all week sometimes to get through it... especially when Desire2Learn is being cranky! See next announcement.
D2L QUIZ ERRORS: FIXED. Supposedly the problems that started happening again mid-day on Tuesday have been fixed. So, you should not be running into any problems... but if you do, I definitely need to know since D2L apparently does not keep records of these errors - they depend on us to report it. So, if you get an error message when you take a quiz, please let me know WHICH quiz (or declaration) and what the error message is. Sending a screenshot is great (here's how to do screenshots). Thanks for your help! I hope very much that this is the last time we will have this problem.
Wednesday Events on Campus. Student Success Series: Connecting on Campus - a presentation by Quy Nguyen, Student Life - in Wagner Hall 245, 3PM-4PM (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Wednesday at the Campus Calendar online - plus, you can see the whole Student Success calendar of events online, too!
August 31: Kinetoscope Patent. On this day in 1897, the American inventor Thomas Edison was issued a patent for the Kinetoscope, an early motion picture device. The word Kinetoscope is formed from the Greek root meaning "motion" - hence "motion pictures," and also the word "cinema" (formed from the same Greek root as Kinetoscope). The image below shows an advertisement from the early 1900s promoting the use of a projecting version of the Kinetoscope for home viewing. We've come a long way in the past one hundred years, with technology like the DVD making movies as familiar in the home as books on a bookshelf! You can read more about the history of the Kinetoscope in this Wikipedia article. (Click here for a a larger view of the image.)