Week 2 Read and Respond assignment. The Week 2 blog commenting assignment is NOT available yet; it will be available starting on Friday. The blog commenting assignment is the only assignment you cannot complete early, because people will still be adding posts to their blog today, Thursday. So, after midnight tonight, that is, at 12:01AM on FRIDAY, you can do that Read and Respond assignment; you have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to finish the blog responding since it is one of those Friday/weekend assignments.
Storybook Stack. If you turned in a Storybook assignment before Tuesday, you should have comments back from me; if you turned something in on Tuesday or Wednesday, it is probably still be in the stack (you can check the contents of the stack here). Meanwhile, if you want Storybook comments from me this week, make sure you get your assignment turned in today or on Friday morning. I do my very best every week to read and reply to every assignment that is turned in before noon on Friday; assignments turned in after noon on Friday go into the stack for Monday.
Friday, September 2: Final day to drop with refund. Friday, September 2, will be the final day to drop a class and get a full refund. So, if you are finding out that this class does not fit into your schedule after all, or that the workload is too demanding, you can still drop the class and get a refund. The Week 2 assignments should be giving you a sense of what the regular weekly assignments will be like for the rest of the semester, so you will have a good basis on which to make your decision. If you have any questions about the class you'd like to ask before you make your decision, let me know!
Thursday Events on Campus. FREE CONCERT: Union Sound Lounge featuring Aranda, East Lawn of the Union, 8PM-10PM (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Thursday at the Campus Calendar online.
September 1: Edgar Rice Burroughs. Today marks the birthday in 1875 of the American author Edgar Rice Burroughs, who is best known for having invented the story of Tarzan. You can read more about Burroughs's life and career in this Wikipedia article, and you can read many of his books online as they are in the public domain. Here is an inventory of Burroughs books online, including the Tarzan books - over 20 of them! There are even Tarzan audiobooks available for free download from LibriVox. So, get in touch with your inner ape and spend some time today with Tarzan if you are so inclined! The following image is for the LibriVox edition of Tarzan of the Apes: