This Semester's Storybooks Online! Some people who have been working ahead already have their Storybooks online, and a couple of people have already published their introductions - one person even has her first story up: wow! To see this semester's growing list of Storybooks, visit the Myth-Folklore Storybooks page and the Indian Epics Storybook page and take a look.
Proofreading Practice. Remember the story about the stonecutter back in Week 1? For some of you the proofreading was pretty easy, but for some of you there were definitely some topics you needed to review and practice. In order to give you some self-guided proofreading practice, I've put up five short little stories that are like the Week 1 proofreading exercise, and this time they have answer keys so that you can check your work. I hope you will find these little exercises helpful as you get ready to do the first real writing for your Storybook in Week 4; here are the Proofreading Practice Stories. Let me know what you think! Almost everybody needs at least some help with proofreading and I hope that these stories can provide some useful practice.
Week 3 Responding. The Week 3 Responding assignment is now available! For the Responding assignment, you should be looking for the Week 3 essay and story - which means you may need to scroll down, because some people are working ahead. So, if you do not find somebody's Week 3 blog posts at the top of their blog, just scroll on down until you find what you are looking for. For more information about what to do if someone does not have the posts you are looking for, see the instructions for the assignment.
Storybook Stack. On Friday, I hope to be able to finish reading and responding to every Storybook assignment in the stack turned in before Friday at noon (contents of the stack). I don't do any grading over the weekend, which means that if you turn something in after noon on Friday, it will go into the stack. I'll start working through the stack first thing on Monday morning, in the order received. If you want comments back next week sooner rather than later, don't wait until Sunday to turn in your assignment! The earlier you turn in the assignment, the sooner you will get comments back.
Friday Events on Campus. As announced in the OU Daily, philosopher John Corvino (check out his blog) will present a public lecture on "The Definition of Marriage," sponsored by the Philosophy department, at 4PM in Dale Hall 112 (time/location/details; the event was originally scheduled for 3:30, but has been rescheduled to 4PM in a bigger room). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Friday at the Campus Calendar online.
September 9: Pieter Bruegel. Today, September 9, marks the anniversary of the death of the great Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder, who died in 1569. Bruegel is famous for his painting of the Tower of Babel - which may be of interest to those of you in the Myth-Folklore class this week who chose to do the readings from the Book of Genesis. You can read more about Bruegel's life in this Wikipedia article, and you can also read an article there about his painting of the Tower of Babel (1563). For a larger view of the image, click here: