D2L ERRORS AGAIN... PROBLEM FIXED. Michelle Davis, the super lady who runs D2L for us, says the quiz problem has been fixed. Fingers crossed!!! So, you should not be getting error messages - and if you do get an error message, please send me an email and let me know which quiz is causing problems. MY APOLOGIES: we have never had so much trouble with D2L as this semester. Thanks to those of you who wrote in to let me know about this!
Storybook Stack. I'm still working my way through the large stack of Storybook assignments that people have turned in. If you turned in a Storybook assignment on Sunday, you should have comments back from me. If you turned in something on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, it is probably still in the stack (contents of the stack). Please check to make sure!
Week 3 Read and Respond assignment. The Week 3 blog commenting assignment is not available yet; it will be available starting on Friday. The blog commenting assignment is the only assignment you cannot complete early, because people will still be adding posts to their blog today, Thursday. So please wait until midnight tonight when people should have finished their Week 3 blog posts, and then on Friday (starting tonight at midnight if you want), you can do the Read and Respond assignment.
Thursday Events on Campus. Another Union Week activity: Breathe Electric free concernt on Thursday, 8PM, on the East Lawn of the Union (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Thursday at the Campus Calendar online.
September 8: Star Trek begins. Yes, today is a great day in the history of television - it marks the broadcast of the first episode of the original Star Trek series in 1966 (yes, 45 years ago!); the original series then ran for three seasons until June 3, 1969. My devotion to Star Trek began in 1972, when the show was in reruns and I was able to watch every afternoon when I came home from school (I was in third grade). I have never lost my love of that show and I can shamelessly confess to owning the complete original series on DVD. For those of you with Netflix instant streaming, you can watch the original series there. I watched all the episodes of the original series this summer, and it was a lot of fun!