D2L ERRORS AGAIN... PROBLEM FIXED. Michelle Davis, the super lady who runs D2L for us, says the quiz problem has been fixed. Fingers crossed!!! So, you should not be getting error messages - and if you do get an error message, please send me an email and let me know which quiz is causing problems. MY APOLOGIES: we have never had so much trouble with D2L as this semester. Thanks to those of you who wrote in to let me know about this!
Storybook Stack. I'm still working my way through the enormous stack of Storybook assignments that people have turned in. If you turned in an assignment on Friday afternoon or on Saturday, you should have comments back from me now. If you turned something in on Sunday or on Monday or Tuesday, it is probably still in the stack, waiting for me to get to it. If you want to check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here. It usually takes me most of the week to return all the Storybook assignments. The sooner you turn the assignment turned in, the sooner you will get comments back.
Tech Tips emails. Quite a few people sent in Tech Tip emails over the weekend, which is great! Please feel free to work ahead on those extra credit tips now, since some of them can be really useful for the rest of the semester. I'll reply to all those emails, but not until I get through the Storybook stack. You don't need to wait on my reply before you do the Declaration; as long as you have sent me the email as instructed, that's great - you can go ahead and do the Declaration without waiting on a reply from me.
Internet Assignment emails. (repeat announcement) I will be replying to your Week 2 Internet assignment emails, but you don't have to wait on my reply before you go on to the Week 3 Internet assignment. So, please feel free to do that at your convenience; you don't need to wait on my reply to your Week 2 practice website in order to complete the Week 3 Internet assignment.
Wednesday Events on Campus. As part of Union Week, there will be Putt-4-Parking at 11:30AM in the first floor Lobby of the Union - you can win free parking in the Union Garage! (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Wednesday at the Campus Calendar online.
September 7: The Tasmanian Tiger. Today, September 7, marks the sad day in 1936 when the last of the Tasmanian tigers died in the Hobart Zoo on the island of Tasmania. You can read more about Tasmanian tigers in this Wikipedia article. The Tasmanian tigers were the largest carnivorous marsupials of modern times. In the 19th century, private companies and the Tasmanian government paid a bounty for dead tigers and their pups. As a result, the Tasmanian tiger was virtually extinct in the wild by the 1920s - although there are still rumors and reports of sightings of Tasmanian tigers even today. The date September 7 has been designated as National Threatened Species Day in Australia, commemorating the death of the last Tasmanian tiger in captivity. The YouTube video below below shows rare footage, filmed in 1933, of the last Tasmanian tiger; the painting below is from a 19th-century catalog of Australian wildlife: