Storybook Stack. First thing on Tuesday morning, I will update the stack of Storybooks that people have turned in over the long weekend, and I will be responding to them in the order that they were turned in. To check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here. For the Storybook assignments, you need to wait until you get comments back from me before you go on to the next Storybook assignment - but of course you can do the other assignments in the class - so definitely keep on going! I'll get back to you as soon as I can with the Storybook comments; given this four-day week, it will probably take me until Friday or maybe even Saturday morning to get through all the Storybooks in the stack. Meanwhile, please take a minute to check and make sure I have your assignment in the stack! Thanks!
Late Storybooks. Each week, the Storybook assignment is the only assignment that can be turned in late for partial credit. Since I cannot get all the Storybooks graded and returned immediately, it is fine with me if you turn in the Storybook late. If you want full credit (10 points) you must turn the Storybook assignment in over the weekend (or during the Monday morning grace period). If you turn it in late, you can receive partial credit, as follows: turn it in on Monday after noon and you can receive up to 8 points credit; on Tuesday, you can receive up to 7 points of credit; on Wednesday you can receive up to 6 points of credit. If you turn the Storybook assignment in on Thursday before noon, you can receive up to 5 points of credit. No late Storybook assignments will be accepted after noon on Thursday.
Internet Assignment emails. I will be replying to your Week 2 Internet assignment emails, but you don't have to wait on my reply before you go on to the Week 3 Internet assignment. So, please feel free to do that at your convenience; you don't need to wait on my reply to your Week 2 practice website in order to complete the Week 3 Internet assignment.
Tech Tip emails. Until I get through the Storybook stack, I won't be responding to all the Tech Tip emails people sent in over the weekend, but I'll get to that later in the week or next week. Meanwhile, please feel free to go ahead and do more Tech Tips if you want. You certainly don't need to wait on my reply to your latest Tech Tip email for you to go ahead and do more of them!
Tuesday Events on Campus. As part of Union Week, you can see the Norman Magic Experience - "interactive and extreme magic experience from master magician Norman Ng" - on Tuesday evening at 8PM in the Union Food Court (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Tuesday at the Campus Calendar online.
Tuesday, September 6: Birthday of Robert Pirsig. September 6, marks the birthday of Robert Pirsig, who was born in 1928 and who is still with us today: Happy birthday, Robert Pirsig! Pirsig is the author of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I first read this book when I was 16 years old and I've read it again pretty much every year or every other year since then - let's say twenty times or so. This is the only book I don't think I will ever catch up with - every time I come back to it, it seems a little more far out, in the best sense of that phrase, and I keep running right on after it, learning new things every time. The novel itself is about a motorcycle journey that Pirsig took across the country in 1968 together with his young son, Chris - here's a picture from the trip showing the two of them on the bike; you can learn more about Pirsig in this Wikipedia article.