Week 11 Internet: Visiting the other classes. This week, you will be visiting the Storybooks in the other class, along with an extra credit option similar to last week's extra credit option. We are getting near the end of the semester, and I hope the extra credit can be a way for you to enjoy more of the Storybooks before we run out of time!
Final Grades. If you did not read the information about final grades in the Monday announcements, please take a minute to do that now.
Storybook stack. As often on Tuesday, there is still a huge bunch of assignments in the Storybook stack. If you turned in a Storybook assignment on or before Saturday, you should have comments back from me and points recorded in the Gradebook. If you turned something in on Sunday or on Monday, it is probably still in the stack. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I received your assignment. I will be reading and replying to the assignments in the order they were turned in; remember, if you want comments sooner rather than later, turn in your assignment on Saturday or Sunday morning, instead of waiting until Sunday evening or Monday morning.
Tuesday Events on Campus. There will be a noon concert on Tuesday by Jeongwon Ham of OU's Piano Studio in the Art Museum, Sandy Bell Gallery - admission to the museum is free on Tuesdays (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Tuesday at the Campus Calendar online.
All Saints Day - All Souls Eve. The reason Halloween was celebrated yesterday, on October 31, is that it was the "Eve of All Hallows," i.e. the Eve of All Saints, which is celebrated today, November 1. Today is also the eve of All Souls Day which is celebrated on November 2. The holiday of All Saints celebrates all those who have died and attained blessedness in heaven, while All Souls celebrates all those who have died but who have not yet achieved heaven. In many countries, November 1 is a holiday during which people visit graveyards, bringing flowers to the graves of the dead. For example, November 1 is an important national holiday in Poland, where it is called Wszystkich Świętych, which means "All Saints" (image source):