Week 11 Internet: Visiting the other classes. (repeat announcement) This week, you will be visiting the Storybooks in the other class, along with an extra credit option similar to last week's extra credit option. We are getting near the end of the semester, and I hope the extra credit can be a way for you to enjoy more of the Storybooks before we run out of time!
Final Grades. If you did not read the information about final grades in the Monday announcements, please take a minute to do that now.
Storybook Stack. There are still a lot of Storybook assignments in the stack and I am making my way through them in the order that they were turned in. If you turned something in on Sunday, you should have comments back from me already. If you turned something in later on Monday or Tuesday, it is probably still in the stack. If you want to check and make sure your assignment is in the stack, you can see the contents of the stack here.
Wednesday Events on Campus. The OU Graduate & Professional School Fair 2011 will be taking place in the Union Ballroom from 1:30PM-3:30PM, with representatives from graduate and professional school programs from OU and from other schools also (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Wednesday at the Campus Calendar online.
November 2: All Souls Day. As mentioned in yesterday's announcement, after the holiday of All Saints on November 1, comes the holiday of All Souls on November 2. In many Catholic countries, the two days - November 1 and November 2 - are celebrated together as the Day (or Days) of the Dead, Día de los Muertos in Spanish. This is a traditional time for offering prayers on behalf of the dead, and also for visiting cemeteries and decorating the graves. In Mexico, there is also a tradition of Catrina dolls, as you can see here, an art form associated with the satirical sketches of José Guadalupe Posada: