Storybook stack. There are still quite a few assignments in the Storybook stack. If you turned in your assignment by 10PM on Sunday, you should have comments back from me now. Assignments turned in later on Sunday or on Monday or Tuesday are probably still in the stack. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I have received your assignment. If the points for your Storybook assignment are all you need to finish up the class, let me know and I will move your assignment to the top of the stack.
Mix and match points. (repeat announcement) Now that there are less than three weeks of the semester left (rest of Week 13, plus Weeks 14-15), you might want to plan to do some "mix and match" in terms of just which assignments you want to complete this semester to get the points you need for the grade you want to get (you need 410 points for an A, 360 points for a B and 320 points for a C). So, based on the assignments you enjoy most/least in the class, you can certainly skip some assignments, provided that you end up with the points you need at the end. My only recommendation is that you do this cautiously. You don't want to skip so many assignments that you end up not getting the points you need for your desired grade. When you read the points you need for your final grade, send me a note to let me know and I will record the final grade in the Gradebook for you.
Wednesday Events on Campus. OU is participating in the St. Jude Christmas Card challenge; so, at 7PM tonight in the Kappa Hall at 700 College Avenue, you can help make Christmas cards for the patients at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Wednesday at the Campus Calendar online.
November 16: Oklahoma Admission Day. Today, November 16, marks the admission of Oklahoma to the United States of America in the year 1907, the 46th state (followed later by New Mexico and Arizona in 1912, and then Alaska and Hawaii in 1959). When the state of Oklahoma was created, it combined the lands of the Oklahoma Territory as well as Indian Territory, putting an end to plans to create a State of Sequoyah in eastern Oklahoma, which had been Indian Territory. You can read about the proposed State of Sequoyah in this Wikipedia article; the image below shows the Oklahoma and Indian Territories circa the 1890s: