Storybook stack. If you turned in a Storybook assignment before 8AM on Monday, you should have comments back from me now and points recorded in the Gradebook. If you turned something in later on Monday or on Tuesday or Wednesday, it is probably still in the stack. You can check the contents of the stack to make sure I have received your assignment. If you want comments back BEFORE the Thanksgiving Break, make sure you turn in your Storybook assignment by Friday at 8AM. I won't be doing any Storybook grading over Thanksgiving Break, so any Storybooks that come in after 8AM on Friday November 18 will go into the stack for Monday morning, November 28.
November: Thanksgiving Break. (repeat announcement) You will be getting a full week off for Thanksgiving in this class. Thanksgiving falls on November 24 this year, which is a week from today. You have your usual Week 13 Thursday assignments due today; I would also urge you to finish up the remaining Week 13 assignments tomorrow, Friday, November 18. That way you can have the entire next week off from November 19 till November 27, with the Week 13 grace period on Monday morning, November 28.
Thursday Events on Campus. The Sound Lounge in the Union's Beaird Lounge features Surf Minus Surf and Omega Snow at 8PM tonight (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events happening on Thursday at the Campus Calendar online.
November 17: Birth of "The Mouse." On November 17 in the year 1970, computer pioneer Douglas Engelbart was granted a patent for what would become the "mouse" interface for supplying data, manually, to a computer. In the patent application, he described the wooden box with its two metal wheels as an "X-Y position indicator for a display system," although he nicknamed it the "mouse" because it had a tail coming out one end that connected it to the computer system. Dr. Engelbart has not profited from his invention because the patent ran out in 1987, before the widespread use of personal computers made the mouse ubiquitous (although I remember first seeing someone using a mouse in the summer of 1984). You can read more about the history of the mouse in this Wikipedia article, which is also the source for this image, which shows Dr. Engelbart's mouse, circa 1970: