Grades: After the noon deadline on Friday, I will record the final grades in the Desire2Learn Gradebook, and those will be the final grades that I submit via Ozone. You will be contacted by the Admissions and Records office when the Ozone grades can be viewed; meanwhile, the grade you see in Desire2Learn is what I will be submitting.
Ning: Please take a last look at your comment wall at the Ning and at your blog to see if you got some comments in the last days of class. There might have been some people who left comments on your Storybook as late as this Friday morning for the Week 15 Internet assignment! If you want to save any of the stories you wrote at the Ning, please make sure you do that soon. In January, I will need to clear out the Ning to make room for the new students (the Ning has a maximum number of users I can include). If you are going to be taking a class with me in Spring, don't worry - I will leave your account active!
Announcements: After noon on Friday, I will clear out the Announcements email list so you will not get announcements when classes start up again in the Spring. So, if you are going to be in one of these classes in the Spring, you'll need to sign up for that email list again.
I think that's it, but if you have any questions I have not answered here, let me know. Have a great winter break and if you are traveling, travel safely!