Storybook stack. If you turned in a Storybook assignment during the day on Wednesday, you should have comments back from me and points recorded in the Gradebook. If you turned something in on Wednesday evening, it may still in the stack. As always, you can check the contents of the stack to make sure I have received your assignment!
Week 15 Blog Responding assignment. Because of the compressed schedule this week and the small number of blog postings, the Blog Responding assignment is available now - it's different than the usual assignment, and I think you will be pleased. You can find the assignment here: Week 15 Responding.
Week 15 Schedule. As you know from previous announcements, Week 15 ends TOMORROW, FRIDAY, AT NOON. So, if you will be doing some Week 15 assignments to finish up the class, please be aware of this special schedule: all Week 15 assignments - including the Storybook assignment, Internet assignment, Blog Responding assignment, along with any extra credit you want to complete - must be completed by Friday at noon.
Grading and points. (repeat announcement) You can see your total points in the D2L Gradbook. You need 410 points to get an A, 360 points to get a B, and 320 points to get a C. When you get the number of points you need, you are done! If you can let me know when you are done with the class, I will record the letter grade for you in the Gradebook so that you can be sure you are finished with everything for the class.
Thursday Events on Campus. There will be a free recital by the New Horizons Chamber Orchestra in Pitman Recital Hall from 8PM-10PM (time/location/details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
December 6: Saint Nicholas Day. Although "Saint Nick" is sometimes associated in popular tradition with the Christmas Holiday, the actual day of Saint Nicholas in the church calendar is today, December 6. In some countries, the Eve of Saint Nicholas (December 5) and Saint Nicholas Day (December 6) is an occasion for gift-giving. You can read more about Saint Nicholas and the festivities associated with Saint Nicholas in this Wikipedia article. The image below shows "Sinter Claes" on a wall in Amsterdam; the Netherlands is one of the countries where gift-giving is associated with Saint Nicholas: