Class Procedures and Reminders
Blog AND Storybook Comments. (repeat announcement) The blog commenting and Storybook commenting (Internet) assignments are similar, but they are also different, so make sure you read the instructions for the Storybook comments, and if you have any questions, let me know! For the next six weeks, you will have these same two assignments each week: blog comments and Storybook comments, with random groups each week, plus a free choice each week for the Storybooks.
Week 6 UnTextbook Report. (repeat announcement) Thanks as always to the people who filled out the Google Form with your comments and feedback about the Asian and African units. I've written up the results here: Week 6 UnTextbook Report. Those of you in the Myth-Folklore class might want to take a look as you get ready for Week 7's reading.
Designing Your Class Schedule. (repeat announcement) I've drawn up some sample class schedules that show exactly how you can arrange this class like a M-W-F- class OR like a T-Th class OR a weekend class. There are other possibilities, too, of course — the options are really unlimited. As I've mentioned before, I would encourage everyone to come up with their own schedule since it's unlikely that the daily deadlines are going to align with your existing commitments. The weekend is a great time to start your new schedule!
Storybook Stack. I don't update the Storybook stack as often on the weekends, but you can check there to make sure I received your assignment; I'll update it at least once or twice over the weekend. If you want comments back on your assignment sooner rather than later, turn your work in early today if you can. If you wait until Sunday evening or Monday morning, you will be farther down in the stack and will have to wait longer for my comments back to you.
Week 8 Review. (repeat announcement) For those of you who are working ahead, Week 8 is a review week, and the M-T-W-Th assignments for Week 8 are not ready yet, but they will be ready this coming Friday, October 3. If you have finished the reading and blogging for Week 7 already, just keep on going: you can move on to Week 9 reading assignments now! That's the Native American reading in Myth-Folklore, and Narayan's Mahabharata in Indian Epics.
The following items are for fun and exploration:Week 8 Review. (repeat announcement) For those of you who are working ahead, Week 8 is a review week, and the M-T-W-Th assignments for Week 8 are not ready yet, but they will be ready this coming Friday, October 3. If you have finished the reading and blogging for Week 7 already, just keep on going: you can move on to Week 9 reading assignments now! That's the Native American reading in Myth-Folklore, and Narayan's Mahabharata in Indian Epics.
Evolution of Internet Speak. I thought you might enjoy this great article from Mashable about "I can't even" and other Internet turns of phrase.
Featured Storybook: Ancient Generals Bragging at Elysian Fields. Alexander the Great awakens to find himself in the Elysian Fields, enjoying the company of the great generals of classical Greece: Themistocles, Leonidas, and Miltiades. The question naturally arises: who is the greatest of them all?
FREE Kindle eBook: South-African Folk-Tales by James A. Honey. Here is a link to the book at Amazon, and this blog post provides additional information about the contents of the book which is the source for the South African unit in the Myth-Folklore UnTextbook.
Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is They wouldn’t make erasers if we didn’t make mistakes (a proverb from the USA). Details at the Proverb Lab. This is a great thought to keep in mind as you work on revising your Storybook/Portfolio writing each week for class. :-)
Ramayana Image: Today's Ramayana image is Hanuman being led as a prisoner to King Ravana.
Sunday Event on Campus: The final performance of Carrie - The Musical will be at 3PM in the Weitzenhoffer Theatre (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
Note: You can page back through older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed, and you can check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day.