Saturday, December 5

Today is Saturday of Week 14. This is the last weekend of the semester for this class, and all the assignments are available now!

Class Procedures and Reminders

LAST WEEKEND. This is the last weekend of class, which means those of you who do your schoolwork mostly on the weekend should try to finish up the class now if you can! All the assignments are available (including both the Week 14 and Week 15 blog commenting assignments), so hopefully you can get everything, or almost everything, wrapped up this weekend.

Week 15 Schedule. For those of you who will still be doing classwork during Week 15, please be aware that it is on a different schedule. The final deadline for Week 15 assignments is Friday, December 11, at noon. There is no weekend time for Week 15 because that would run into final exams. As a result, your Week 14 Project assignment must be turned in by Monday noon, at the latest — I cannot accept late Projects for Week 14 because that would not give me time to get comments back to you for your Week 15 assignment. So, please take note: there can be no late Week 14 Project assignments. If you have any questions about that, please let me know!

Project stack. I cleared out the Project stack on Friday, including all the assignments that were turned in before Friday; if you turned something in after 6PM on Friday, it is still in the stack and I'll have comments for you first thing on Monday. I'll update the contents of the stack over the weekend, and if you are turning in a Week 14 Project assignment, make sure you do that this weekend (see schedule note above).

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Writing and Editing. I am a big fan of this writer's motto: Write without fear; edit without mercy.

Words to Watch: Today's words to watch out for are CLICK and CLIQUE. For details, see this blog post.

Featured Storybook: The Mothers of the Epics. You will hear from the epic mothers Kaikeyi and Kunti in this Storybook, along with the famous Buddhist legend of Kisagotami, the grieving mother.

Free Book Online: Polish Fairy Tales by A. J. Glinski. This blog post provides additional information about the stories in this book which includes the famous Slavic legend of the Frog Princess... not a frog prince, but a princess!

India Featured Book: Krishna: Defender of Dharma by Shweta Taneja. This blog post provides additional information about this reading option for Indian Epics. It's a wonderful graphic novel on Reserve in Bizzell, and also available from Scribd online.

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is The one who is not strong enough to lift the stone must roll it (an Estonian proverb). Details at the Proverb Lab. The image here is one of the famous dwarves of Wrocław!

Today's Video: Internet Grammar PSA. It's a grammar refresher from the puppet personalities of Glove and Boots.

Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is getting ready to learn: Assess yourself! Details at the blog.

Event on Campus: There will be a performance of The Nutcracker at 8PM in the Rupel J. Jones (Brackett) Theatre featuring the Oklahoma Festival Ballet (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

December 5: Krampus. In our "Santa Claus" tradition, there is the vague sense that naughty children might get punished, but in other countries, Santa Claus actually has a sinister companion whose job is to punish bad children. In Austria and other Alpine regions, that dark companion of Saint Nicholas is called Krampus, and he spends the first two weeks of December going around at night, rattling chains and ringing a bell to warn the naughty children of his presence. On December 5, it is traditional for people to dress up as the Krampus! You can see pictures of people dressed as the Krampus in this Wikipedia article, and below is a Krampus holiday postcard:

Note: You can page back through the older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed, and you can check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day.