Class Procedures and Reminders
OUT OF TOWN. I'll be out of town most of Friday, the weekend, and most of Monday, and I'll probably have very limited Internet access during that time. Definitely send me an email if you have questions about anything, and I'll write back to you when I get online. I'll be updating the Project stack when I can, and I'll start working my way through the stack on Tuesday.
Week 3 Storytelling Grace Period. Since I am leaving on Friday morning before noon, that means I'm not here to answer any last-minute questions during the grace period for that Thursday assignment, and therefore I've extended the Week 3 Storytelling grace period through the weekend. So, if you have not written your Week 3 Story yet, there's still time, but please try to post your story as soon as you can: that way you are more likely to receive comments.
Portfolios started! I am pleased to announce that there are Portfolios up and running for both classes. You can see the first ones here: Indian Epics and Myth-Folklore. And in just another couple of weeks, there will be LOTS more projects to see.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Celebrity Commas. The Shatner comma is my favorite!

Mythology Words in English: Today's mythology word in English is ECHO, from the Greek myth of Narcissus and Echo. For details, see this blog post.

Featured Storybook: Ganesha's Enchanted Journals. You might not be surprised that Ganesha is the owner of a candy shop, but he also sells journals in his shop — enchanted journals that allow him to read the words written in those journals by their owners: Kooni, Ravana, Duryodhana, and Karna.

India Featured Book: Sundarkaand: Triumph of Hanuman by Shyam Prakash. This blog post provides additional information about this reading option for Indian Epics. It's another one of the graphic novels on Reserve in Bizzell that you might want to read for Week 4.

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is Let not the sun go down on your wrath (an English proverb). Details at the Proverb Lab. The sun is a great way to ponder the cycle of life from day to day.

Today's Video: Anant Pai. I thought you might enjoy this inspiring video about Anant Pai, the man who created Amar Chitra Katha comic books.
Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is ready to grow: Stretch yourself and reach your goal. Details at the blog.

Event on Campus: There will be three free showings of the James Bond film SPECTRE at 6PM, 9PM and midnight in Meacham (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
February 5: Inayat Khan. Today, February 5, marks the anniversary of the death of the great Indian Sufi, Inayat Khan, in the year 1927. Inayat Khan's teachings centered on Tawhid, or unity, as in the ten pronouncements on unity which you can read about in this Wikipedia article; here are the first three principles of unity: There is One God, the Eternal, the Only Being; None exists save He. ... There is One Master, the Guiding Spirit of all souls, Who constantly leads all followers toward the Light. ... There is One Holy Book, the Sacred Manuscript of Nature, the only Scripture that can enlighten the reader. Inayat Khan was also trained as a music master, and in addition to sharing a knowledge of Sufism with the West, he also spread a knowledge of traditional Indian musical forms:
Note: You can page back through the older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed, and you can check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day.