Class Procedures and Reminders
Project Stack. As always on Friday it is my goal to get through the stack of assignments turned in before noon on Thursday; I may be finishing up late on Friday, but I do hopt to finish! You can check the stack to make sure I received your assignment.
Week 8 Assignments. For those of you who have been working ahead, those Week 8 assignments are now available! There is no new reading in Week 8, and instead there are just some review activities. You can see how that works in the Week 8 assignments list. I hope you will have fun with this change of pace for the middle of the semester!
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Is spellcheck working?. Raise your hand if you have done this!
Mythology Words in English: Today's mythology word in English is MUSEUM, from the Muses, the Greek goddesses of the arts. For details, see this blog post.

Featured Storybook: Mysterious Museum: The Vahanas' Stories. In this museum, the artwork takes on a life of its own, and you will hear stories about the gods as told by the gods' own vehicles, the vahanas.

Free Book Online: Oral Literature in Africa by Ruth Finnegan . This blog post provides additional information about the contents of the book. Unlike other free books which are in the public domain (published before 1923), this is a more recent book, published in 1970, freed from copyright restrictions by the generous donations of UnGlue.It contributors.

India Featured Book: Offering: The Story Of Ekalavya And Dronacharya by Hansa Pathak. This blog post provides additional information about this reading option for Indian Epics. It is a graphic novel that you will find on Reserve in Bizzell Library.

Words of Wisdom: Today's proverb poster is The fruit must have a stem before it grows (a Liberian proverb). Details at the Proverb Lab. You can just go straight to the fruit: you have to build up to it!

Today's Video: Chaiyya Chaiyya Mash-Up. It's Bollywood-meets-Michael Jackson, featuring the amazing Shankar Tucker on clarinet.
Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat knows where she's going: Find your own path!. Details at the blog.

Event on Campus: There will be a performance of Eugene Onegin (music by Tchaikovsky) by the OU Symphony Orchestra, Oklahoma Festival Ballet and Opera Theatre cast at 8PM in the Reynolds Performing Arts Center (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
March 4: Toru Dutt. Today marks the birthday in 1856 of Toru Dutt, a remarkable Indian writer. Although she died at a very young age (she was only 21 when she died in 1877), she is the author of several books, one of which is of interest to students in the Indian Epics class: Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan. You can read more about her at Wikipedia which is also the source for this image.
Note: You can page back through the older blog posts to see any announcements you might have missed, and you can check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day.