Yes, at last........... it's time for Spring Break! As you can see at the class calendar, Week 9 finishes up on Sunday, March 24, and Week 10 begins on Monday, March 25, after Spring Break.

Class Procedures and Reminders

SPRING BREAK. These will be the last announcements until the end of Break, and I hope everybody will be having a wonderful time either at home or on an adventure somewhere else. I will be out of town for most of the Break with limited email access. So, if you send me an email with a question, I might not be able to reply right away, but I will reply when I able to get back online.

Working ahead. I know that some of you are wanting to use the Spring Break to work ahead or even to finish up the class. Remember that you can mix-and-match as you finish up; whatever combination of points you want to use to reach your end goal for the class is fine with me!

Project Stack. On the Friday before Spring Break, I replied to all the Week 9 assignments in the stack, with just a few items from future weeks that I did not get to. You can check the stack to make sure I received your assignment, and I'll try to update the stack periodically over the Break. On Monday, March 25, I'll begin replying to the assignments in the order received.

Past Announcements. If you are looking for the previous week's announcements for the Back-up and Review extra credit, you can find them here: Week 9 announcements.

And now...




(image from the SpringHaiku Blog)

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.