Class Procedures and Reminders
Project Stack. I made a lot of progress through the stack yesterday: if you turned in something by 4PM on Sunday, you should have comments back from me. I'll keep working on the Sunday assignments today. While you are waiting on comments back from me about your Project assignment, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
Extra Credit. As you are doing the reading, you might find something you are curious about: look it up at Wikipedia, and follow the Wikipedia Trail! Find out more in the extra credit section of this week's assignments.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Class Twitter. I thought this was so cool! From yesterday's Twitter @OnlineMythIndia, here is the earliest surviving painting of Stonehenge – a watercolour by a Dutch traveller, Lucas de Heere, circa 1574.

Storybook Archive. This project is from the Indian Epics class, and it's the follow-up to the Myth-Folklore project that I shared yesterday: My Brothers Grimm: India Edition. Just what do the Brothers Grimm have to do with India? Meet John, the husband of Charlotte, sister to the Brothers Grimm... and see what happens when John finds himself in the midst of Indian epic adventures, with Charlotte and her brothers not far behind.

Story of the Day. Today's story is from Aesop's fables: The Milkmaid. It's a warning about building castles in the air: don't count your chickens before they hatch!

Video: I know some of you in the Myth-Folklore class are reading stories from Egypt this week, so the video for today is another of Amy Burvall's mash-up videos: King Tut ("Walking on the Sun" by Smash Mouth). Find out more at Amy's YouTube Channel.
Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is not giving up: I will try again! You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

Event on Campus: There will be a Mexican Cooking Class in Farzaneh Hall from 2:30PM-4PM (details ... there is sad news out of Mexico after the earthquake, but I am assuming the Mexico Week events will continue as planned). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
September 20: Rosh Hashanah. Tonight at sunset marks the start of the Jewish holiday of the New Year, Rosh-Ha-Shanah ("Head-of-Year"). According to Jewish tradition, this is the day of the year on which God created man. One of the rituals on Rosh Hashanah is the blowing of the shofar, the ram's horn. You can read more about the holiday at Wikipedia, and below you can see the blowing of the shofar in an illuminated Hebrew manuscript:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.