Saturday, January 20

Today is Saturday of Week 1. I hope you are enjoying this first weekend of the semester!

Class Procedures and Reminders

Success Tip: Celebrate Your Accomplishments. In this class, all of you have something to celebrate: you created a new blog this week. That is definitely something to celebrate! Take a few moments to think about what else you can celebrate from your other classes this past week. Saturday... Celebration!

My schedule. I don't check email as often on the weekends, but do send me any questions you have. If it's something urgent, I'll get back to you as soon as I get back online; if it's not urgent, I'll get back to you on Monday morning.

Week 2. Just what day Week 2 starts for you depends on your schedule for the class; for most of you, Week 2 starts on Monday or Tuesday, but for those of you doing a lot of the coursework over the weekend, Week 2 might start on Saturday or Sunday, or it might even have started yesterday, on Friday. If you have any questions about that as you transition from Week 1 into Week 2, let me know: Week 2 assignments.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. From the class blog stream, there was so much fun stuff in people's growth mindset blog posts. Roger created a growth doge!

Story from India. This is a story from India about the origin of the coconut; it involves the great sage Vishvamitra, who is going to be a character in the Ramayana. Find out more here: Coconut Lore.

Myth Video: And of course there are nature myths and legends from all over the world. Here is another Crash Course video: Tree Myths.

Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is true about trees, and about other projects too: The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago; the second-best time is now. Find out more at the Proverb Laboratory.

Language: Since I've clearly got a tree theme going in today's announcements, I wanted to share this gorgeous depiction of related languages in the form of a family tree. Find out more at the Writing Laboratory.

H.E.A.R.T.: And here is some beautiful Advice from a Tree.

Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat has lofty ambitions, and the tree helps: I'm confident that I can go high. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

Video: And carrying on with this tree theme, here is a beautiful time lapse presentation of the Brian Eno song: Just Another Day... with trees. And yes, this is Spring semester, which means: spring really is coming.

Event on Campus: Today is the opening of a new exhibit at the Sam Noble Museum by Native American artists: Fluent Generations: The Art of Anita, Tom and Yatika Fields (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

January 20: DeForest Kelley. Today, January 20, is the birthday of DeForest Kelley, who was born in 1920 (he died in 1999). His most famous role was that of Dr. McCoy on the original Star Trek series. This image shows the characters Spock and McCoy, and the good-natured tension between the two of them was one of the recurring themes of the show. Happy birthday, DeForest Kelley, wherever in time and space you may be!

And if you're into geek humor, you can use this McCoy-inspired image to make a badge for the next meeting you go to. McCoy's signature line, "Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a ___" even made it into Wikipedia!

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.