Class Procedures and Reminders
Success Tips. Each day in the announcements, I'll be sharing some kind of success tip for the class... and today's tip is: read the announcements! You'll see this announcements blog as the course homepage in Canvas, and you can also bookmark the blog: Daily Class Announcements. The specific information you need for the class assignments will always be up at the top of the announcements, followed by items that I hope will be of general interest down below.
Two Classes | One Set of Announcements. These Announcements are for BOTH the Myth-Folklore class AND the Indian Epics class. Each class has its own reading materials, but the weekly assignments are the same. So, these shared announcements are a way for those of you in Myth-Folklore to learn more about India (a great land of stories!), and also for the people in the Indian Epics class to learn about other storytelling traditions from the Myth class.
Blogs and Comments. By the end of the day today, everybody will be blogging in their own blogs! My goal this week is to read and comment on all the Favorite Places posts, and I will also try to comment on other posts too, based on how much time I have (this week will be pretty hectic with just four days of class). You can see the live blog stream in Canvas, and there's a combined blog stream for both classes here: Class Directory.
Please call me Laura! I will be on a first-name basis with all of you, and I hope you will feel comfortable just calling me Laura.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Some people already started blogging last week, and that means I can start sharing items from people's blogs in the announcements already. For today, here is a fun LOLCat that Blake made and shared in her blog: I HAZ CREATED ARMY. Making memes is one of the extra credit tech tips you can try if you want... and you can then use your own memes in the stories you are writing for class if you want.

Myth Video: For those of you in the Myth class, the Crash Course Myth videos might be something you want to explore for class; here is the first video in the series if you are curious: What Is Myth?
Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is a Latin saying: The frog jumps back into the swamp even if you've placed him on a throne. Find out more at the Proverb Laboratory. Here's the Latin version: Rana ad paludes resilit, etiamsi in solium locaveris.

And I very much hope that this class can be an imagination celebration! The poster is by Maurice Sendak.

Video: Here's another video that I thought you might enjoy: it's about Art in Bizzell Library. I am a huge fan of Bizzell Library... and of any library anywhere!
Event on Campus: You have until January 17 to see this exhibit at the Sam Noble Museum: Native Voices -- Native People's Concepts of Health and Illness (details). That might be of special interest to those of you who are planning careers in medicine! Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

And here are Coldplay performing their song Don Quixote / Spanish Rain... with Spanish subtitles (English lyrics here).
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.