Class Procedures and Reminders
Success Tips: Wander through Bizzell. If you happen to be on campus today for whatever reason, maybe you can take a few minutes to wander through Bizzell. Check out the great spaces they have created for studying, either by yourself or studying in groups. Look around, and see what you find. The Library is a wonderful place to work, especially if you can find a spot where you feel inspired!
Project Stack. I replied to all of the Week 2 project assignments, and also all of the week 3 assignments people had turned in before noon on Friday. I'll update the stack periodically over the weekend, so you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. I really liked Aubryelle's post about customizing your blog: If you have not personalized your blog, you definitely should because you and other people in the class will visit it frequently. And there are Tech Tips to show you some of the things you can do with your blog!

India Video: Ganesha is always a popular figure in the Indian Epics class, and here is Devdutt Pattanaik's video about him: Ganesha's Secret. Find out more about the Seven Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art.
Myth Book Online: Some of you may be trying diary style in your storytelling, so I wanted to share this book by Mark Twain: Eve's Diary. See the Freebookapalooza blog for links and the table of contents. Twain's book would have made a perfect Storybook project for the Myth-Folklore class!

Proverb of the Day: This is a classical proverb about the need to take a break and relax: Not even Apollo keeps his bow always at full stretch. Find out more at the Proverb Laboratory. I thought that would be a good proverb for relaxing on Saturday!

Writing: And because we need all the humor about English spelling that we can get: Werewolves.

Video: And here's a fun growth mindset animation from Sprouts Learning Channel.
Event on Campus: There will be a Neil Whyte organ recital in Catlett tonight at 8PM (details). Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.