Sunday, October 14

Today is Sunday of Week 8, so you'll want to finish up the the Week 8 assignments today, along with any extra credit you want to do. Starting the new week on Sunday is also a great strategy; here is a link to Week 9.

Class Procedures and Reminders

What to Read for Feedback. When you do the Week 8 Feedback, you'll probably have two pages to read at each project since most Portfolios have two stories and most Storybooks have an Introduction and a story. So, if there are two pages, read both, and then you can decide how to focus your comments. And remember that you can also give feedback on the project design (layout, graphics, navigation, etc.).

Project Stack. I'll update the stack periodically today so that you can check the stack to make sure I received your email. If you have a free pass for Week 8, don't forget to send me that email, but I won't be putting those in the stack; that email is just so that you and I both know you had the pass for Week 8.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Project Stream. Google Forms are a way you can make your website interactive, and both Anna Margret and Crystel have added forms to their Storybooks; maybe you will want to take a look and fill out the form! Crystel's project is Love's Woes and Anna Margret's project is Feypology: Fey/Human Interactions. To make your own form, just go to

Featured Storybook. Some of you have probably seen Haley's Hidimbi project in Indian Epics this semester, and here is her beautiful Myth-Folklore project from last semester: The Dragon under the Yew. This is the story of a terrifying dragon and the unexpected knight who goes forth to defeat that dragon, with the help of his fiancee and her mysterious father.

Myth Video. Anansi is one of my favorite folktale figures, and here's a Crash Course video about him: Tricksters: An Introduction.

India Video. Here's a video from Epified: Symbols of Divinity.

India Item. Here's a proverb from Kashmir: The snake goes crookedly, yet it arrives straight within its hole.

Writing. Here's an amazing resource, based on the TV Tropes website: The Periodic Table of Storytelling.

And here's a cool growth mindset infographic: The Force of a Growth Mindset.

Growth Mindset Cats. I hope you will read some stimulating stories today! The growth cat knows: In order to learn, I need stimulating input.

And here's another great video from Mike Rugnetta, from before Crash Course: Are LOLCats and Internet Memes Art?

Event near Campus. It's the A.S.E.A.N.Food Fair today in Reaves Park with food, games, and music, 5PM-7PM, 2501 Jenkins Ave. (details).

Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

October 14: Saraswati Avahan. As part of the festival of Navratri, today is the day that honors Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and of music. You can find out more here: Saraswati Avahan. Here's a graphic to celebrate:

And here's a Krishna Das kirtan for Saraswati:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.