Class Procedures and Reminders
Stories and DIY graphics. When you are writing your story today, you might think about making your own graphic to go with the story. There are some different graphic generators you can try out for Tech Tip extra credit too, like social media simulators:
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. I noticed this really cool graphic in one of Charlton's posts: Failing Superman: The Learning Process. As you can see, feedback is a key component of learning! (See below for the video he is writing about.)
India Video. This video is about Indian gods in southeast Asia: Shiva and Parvati Sculptures from Cambodia.
India Item. And here is a statue of Shiva at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.


And if you're feeling stressed at this time of the semester, here's some advice from Buddha Doodles: shake it off!

Growth Mindset Cats. And you have the power: make things happen!

And here's the video that inspired Charlton's post above: Failing Superman.
Event on Campus. Tonight at 7PM is the opening reception for “Ticket to Ride: Artists, Designers, and Western Railways” at the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art (details).
October 4: Saint Francis - World Animal Day. Today is the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi. Because of the special love that Francis had for every creature in the animal kingdom, October 4 is also World Animal Day. You can learn more about Saint Francis at Wikipedia, and the image below is from the World Animal Day website. Happy World Animal Day! Celebrate animal life!

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.