Class Procedures and Reminders
Weeks 13-14-15. As you get ready to finish up the class, you can mix-and-match whatever assignments you want from Week 13, Week 14, and Week 15. Whatever combination of assignments you want to use to reach your goal is good! (Reminder: 410 for an A, 360 for a B, 320 for a C.) You can let me know you are done by filling out the "Finished!" form that you will see in Canvas.
Project Stack. Yesterday, I replied to all the projects turned in on Sunday, and today I'll finish all the Week 11 projects in the stack, plus as many of the early Week 12 assignments as I can. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. I was so excited when I saw that Jaycie had written her own rhyming story inspired by one of the nursery rhymes: The Gifts of Love. The rhyme she started with, Keys of Canterbury, is also a folksong; here's a performance by Show of Hands:
Myth Video. This Khan Academy video is about The Tower of Babel.
Myth Item. Check out this Death in the Iliad infographic from GreekMythComix:

India Video. This video from Epified shows how India's two great epics work together: Ramayana + Mahabharata = Wisdom.

And now that you have successfully reached the end of Week 12, take a moment to breathe: Breathing Recalibration Station.

Growth Mindset Cats. The end of the week is also a time to reflect.

This video might persuade you to use the weekend to catch up on your sleep: What would happen if you didn’t sleep?
Event on Campus. Come celebrate Arabic Culture from 4:30PM-7PM with music, henna, and calligraphy in the Farzaneh Hall Lounge (details).
November 9: Howard Pyle. Today marks the death in the year 1911 of the American illustrator and author, Howard Pyle. You can read about Howard Pyle's life and career in this Wikipedia article, and there are many of his books at the Freebookapalooza. The image below shows one of Howard Pyle's paintings, The Mermaid:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.