Class Procedures and Reminders
Extra credit. There are lots of reasons why there is extra credit available every week: to make up missing assignments, to give you a chance to get ahead, and also to encourage you to try new things. So, if you have time, check out the extra credit options this week!
Project Stack. If you turned in something before noon on Thursday, you should have comments back from me; anything from Thursday afternoon or Friday will be at the top of the stack on Monday. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Here's a great example of an unexpected destination for a Wikipedia Trail in Mona's blog: From Orion to Harry Belafonte. This video is a Harry Belafonte concert in Zimbabwe:
Featured Storybook. Here's a time-travel project: Of Monsters and Myths: Sakurasou to Ume. Imagine being transported back in time to medieval Japan, and not being able to remember just where you came from or who you were before you awoke there...
Myth Video. This video features a Godzilla-hamster combo: Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster!
Myth Item. Here's a fun myth cartoon: Midas and Medusa.

India Item. Some of you in Myth-Folklore may have read the story of Pygmalion, so you might enjoy this great video from the Indian musicians Maati Baani: Naina Bawre (click on CC for English captions):
India Item. Here's a fun Ramayana article: Romantic Advice from Many Ramayanas.

Writing. For more on Neil Gaiman (it's his birthday), see below.

And don't be afraid to be weird! Blessed are the Weird.

Growth Mindset Cats. The cats know all about the dangers of multitasking: Stay focused and pay attention.

This is a video about hero stories: What makes a hero?
Event on Campus. Come to the Fred Jones Museum to see Daren Kendall's exhibit Threshold With Me; the museum is open from 10AM-5PM on Saturdays (details).
November 10: Neil Gaiman. Today marks the birthday in 1960 of the genius writer, Neil Gaiman. You can find out about Neil Gaiman's life and very prolific career in this Wikipedia article. Here's Levar Burton reading one of my favorite Neil Gaiman stories: Chivalry.
In the story, a sweet little old lady buys the Holy Grail in an Oxfam shop, and then Sir Galahad shows up (graphic by Cate Simmons):
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.