Class Procedures and Reminders
Last week of class! Yes, this is it: Week 14 is the last full week of class. Hopefully you'll be able to finish up this week. If you need to make up some missing assignments from earlier in the semester, there's also a week's worth of assignments available during Dead Week. You can find out how that works here at the class calendar. All the Week 14 and Dead Week assignments are available now, and if you have any questions about that, let me know!
Project Stack. The stack is huge right now, and I'll be working through the assignments in the order that they were turned in, starting with assignments turned in before the holiday break. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. I always enjoy the Wikipedia Trails, and here's one Catalina did that includes both India and Greece: From Karma to Greek Underworld. This is the god of the Underworld, Hades (Roman Pluto), with his multi-headed dog Cerberus:
Myth Video. Trees are everywhere in the world's storytelling traditions: Mythical Trees.
Myth Item. And here's a great proverb about trees, as well as other big projects: The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago; the second-best time is now.
India Video. From the Indian tradition, here's a TED talk by Shabaz Hussain on The Art of Playing Tabla.
India Item. Did you ever play "Chutes and Ladders" when you were a kid? It's originally a game from India called Moksha Patam. Here's an example of a game board from around the year 1800:

Writing. If you've ever wondered why commas are so confusing, take a look at this chart: The 15 Punctuation Marks. The poor comma has a lot of different jobs, more than any other punctuation mark!

Growth Mindset Cats. This cat knows that the process of discovery is often messy and non-linear.

And as we move from fall into winter, here's a lovely Brian Eno video about the passage of time: Just Another Day.
This is the great week of coffee at OU (see below), so here's a coffee thought to start your week: Coffee Flowchart.

Event on Campus. And yes, it's time for #MyOUBrew... you might win a free week's worth of coffee! (details)
November 26: Charles Schulz. Today marks the birthday in 1922 of the American cartoonist, Charles Schulz, creator of the famous Peanuts cartoon characters (Schulz died in the year 2000). You can read more about Schulz's life and career in this Wikipedia article. My favorite of the Peanuts characters was always Linus! Here is an image showing the whole Peanuts gang:

And here's a link to an interview with Schulz, plus a fun snippet from the Charlie Brown Christmas movie:
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.