Tuesday, November 27

Today is Tuesday of Week 14. Here is a link to the Week 14 assignments and also the Week 15 assignments... which are all the assignments that are left!

Class Procedures and Reminders

Blog story comments. There are still Week 13 stories in the randomizer, but any story blog posts you wrote in Week 12 or earlier should now have at least two comments. As I've mentioned before, though, I don't have an automated system to keep track of that, so if you do have a story from Week 12 or earlier which didn't get two comments, let me know and I'll put it back in the randomizer.

Project Stack. If you turned in a project before noon on Sunday at the start of the break (November 17), you should have comments back from me, and I'll keep working on those Sunday assignments today. As always you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. Here's another one of those fun Wikipedia Trails, this time from Kennedie, who went from real floods to the world of Norse mythology: From Floods to Prose Edda.

Featured Storybook. Here's an exciting Storybook that brings the ancient epics into the modern world: Rama and the Other Avatars. Imagine a young boy growing up in Montana who learns that he is an avatar of Vishnu, a new Rama for the 21st century, with rakshasas to battle. Luckily, he will have some help from Mohini, Vamana, and Agastya.

As the semester winds down, I am repeating favorite items from earlier announcements; these items come from Week 7:

Myth Video. This video is about the gods of India... in Japan: Hindu Gods in Japan.

India Video. This video is about Indian gods in southeast Asia: Shiva and Parvati Sculptures from Cambodia.

India Item. This is a statue of Shiva at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

Myth Item. Here's a wonderful proverb from South Africa: Dawn does not come twice to wake us.

Writing. This one is for all you science majors from the great cartoonist Tom Gauld.

And if you're feeling stressed at this time of the semester, here's some advice from Buddha Doodles: shake it off!

Growth Mindset Cats. You do have the power: make things happen!

Matt Harding has been dancing around the world for years; here's one of his videos from back in 2006: Where in the world is Matt?

Event on Campus. There will be a talk in Kaufman 138 today at 4:30PM: "What constitutes a heroine? Views from French women playwrights" by Dr. Perry Gethner (details).

Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.

November 27: Saint Josaphat's Day. Today marks the feast day of one of the most fascinating saints in the Christian tradition: Saint Josaphat. Saint Josaphat's story was made famous in the medieval tale of "Barlaam and Josaphat," which is actually an adaptation of the story of Siddhartha Gautama, better known as the Buddha (the "awakened one" or the "enlightened one"), founder of the Buddhist religion. You can read more about Josaphat in this Wikipedia article; the image below is a depiction of Saint Josaphat from a medieval Greek manuscript:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.