Class Procedures and Reminders
Weeks 13-14-15. As you get ready to finish up the class, you can mix-and-match whatever assignments you want from Week 13, Week 14, and Week 15. Whatever combination of assignments you want to use to reach your goal is good! (Reminder: 410 for an A, 360 for a B, 320 for a C.) You can let me know you are done by filling out the "Finished!" form that you will see in Canvas.
Project Stack. Yesterday, I replied to all the projects turned in on Sunday, and today I'll finish all the Week 11 projects in the stack, plus as many of the early Week 12 assignments as I can. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. For the Story Lab this week, Tamiko shared a little Twine story in her blog; it's a bit of a sneak preview for the final chapter of her Storybook! (More about Twine in the Tech Tips.)
Free Book Online. Today's free book is The Grateful Elephant, and Other Stories by Eugene Watson Burlingame. These are more jataka tales from India:

Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook is Old Indian Legends by Zitkala-Sa.
Featured Storybook. Here's a fun example of a Storybook built with Twine: Flood Myths. You make your choices... and then you see what happens!
India Video. This video from Epified shows how India's two great epics work together: Ramayana + Mahabharata = Wisdom.
Myth Video. This Khan Academy video is about The Tower of Babel.
Writing. This is one of my all-time favorite punctuation graphics: Let's eat boys!

And now that it's Friday, take a moment to breathe: Breathing Recalibration Station.

This thought comes from one of my favorite cartoonists, Mollycules (Molly Hahn) of Buddha Doodles: Choose to be optimistic.

In the spirit of being optimistic, this is a short video on The Biology of Positivity.

Event on Campus. It's the Eve of Nations tonight, with dinner starting at 6:30PM followed by the big show at 7:00PM (details).
April 12: Human Space Flight. Today is the International Day of Human Space Flight, and you can read more about the holiday at the United Nations website. And in honor of the holiday, here's the late, great David Bowie's Space Oddity... performed in space by Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield:
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.