Class Procedures and Reminders
Extra credit. There are lots of reasons why there is extra credit available every week: to make up missing assignments, to give you a chance to get ahead, and also to encourage you to try new things. So, if you have time, check out the extra credit options this week!
Project Stack. I managed to reply to all the Week 11 assignments in the stack, but there were some Week 12 and Week 13 assignments that I did not get to on Friday; those will be at the top of the stack on Monday! Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Maryellen did the OU Library Tech Tip, as you can read about in her blog. It's a Tech Tip I highly recommended, especially if you are writing research papers in other classes.
Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook is for all the fans of Aesop out there: Aesop in Rhyme by Jefferys Taylor.

Featured Storybook. Here's a mash-up style: King Arthur in India. King Arthur finds himself transported to India, helping Rama in his quest to rescue Sita from the demon-king Ravana.
India Item. Some of you in Myth-Folklore may have read the story of Pygmalion, and you might enjoy this great video from the Indian musicians Maati Baani: Naina Bawre (click on CC for English captions):
India Item. And here's a fun Ramayana article: Romantic Advice from Many Ramayanas.

India Video. While reading the Ramayana in Indian Epics, you have met the heroic bird Jatayu; now learn about this gigantic Jatayu sculpture.
Myth Video. And as you ponder the marble statues of ancient Greece, think: COLOR, as you can see in this video: Tracing the Colors of Ancient Sculpture.
Writing. Here's one of many sound-alike pairs in English: HEROIN and HEROINE.
Writing. I hope this cartoon can inspire your creative process.

Writing. And if you are writing a story this weekend, think of your imagination as an actual tool you can use; it's advice from Neil Gaiman.

Growth Mindset Cats. Meanwhile, today's cat urges you to write without fear.

And here's a video about writing hero stories: What makes a hero?
Event on Campus. There will be a performance of Contemporary Dance Oklahoma tonight at 8PM in the Elsie Brackett Theater (details).
April 13: Alfred Mosher Butts. On this day in 1899 Alfred Mosher Butts was born, the man who invented Scrabble in 1938. So, if you have ever enjoyed a good game of Scrabble, think a happy thought for Mr. Butts today. You can read more about Mr. Butts at Wikipedia. I think I'd like to get one of these giant outdoor Scrabble games: doesn't that look like fun?
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.