Class Procedures and Reminders
Extra credit goodness. There are several different reasons why there is so much extra credit available each week: to help you make up missing assignments, to give you a chance to get ahead, and also to encourage you to try new things, fun and/or useful. So before things get totally busy at the end of the semester, see if you can find some time to do some of the extra credit options this week.
Project Stack. I replied to all the Sunday assignments yesterday, and I'll get through as much of the rest of the stack as I can today. You can check the stack to make sure I received your email. If I don't get to something in the stack today, you'll be at the top of the stack for Monday!
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. Joshua L. did something really cool with his blog this week; while trimming down a super-long story from his Storybook, he saved the part he trimmed out in a blog post! I also struggle with writing stories that are too long, and I thought that was a really great idea for saving bits of a story that you might want to use later. And if you visit his blog you'll see he has a giant countdown widget there too. (That's a Tech Tip option.)

Free Audiobook. Today's free audiobook is from New Zealand: Maoriland Fairy Tales by Edith Howes.

Myth Video. And here's a First Nations Literacy video: The Ojibway Creation Story.
Myth Item. The word from mythology today is the name of the day: FRIDAY, from the name of the Germanic goddess of married love, Frigg, wife of Odin.

Writing. Check out this fun Shakespearean Insult Generator.

Growth Mindset Cats. This growth cat was inspired by a student's motto last year: She believed she could, so she did.

And just for fun, here's Google Translate Sings: The Beatles. There's more fun stuff at the Translator Fails YouTube channel.
Event on Campus. The 7th annual Native Crossroads Film Festival is taking place today and on Saturday at the Sam Noble Museum (details).
Find out more about this and other events at the Campus Calendar online.
April 5: Pocahontas. Today marks the wedding anniversary of Pocahontas, daughter of Chief Powhatan of Virginia, who married the Virginia settler John Rolfe on this day in 1614. If you are curious about the historical account of Pocahontas' very dramatic life (i.e. not the Disney version), take a look at this article in Wikipedia. Below is a portrait of Pocahantas that was done during her lifetime; she was born circa 1595 and died in 1617, and this portrait dates to the year 1616:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.