Thursday, February 27

Today is Thursday of Week 7. Here is a link to the Week 7 assignments. I hope you will have fun getting back into the storytelling spirit again this week!

Class Procedures and Reminders

Project Stack. If you turned in something by 8PM on Sunday, you should have comments back from me, and you can check the stack to make sure I received your assignment. I'll try to finish up all the Sunday items today!

Storytelling. It's another storytelling week this week, so there will be lots of stories today in the blog stream. You can watch the stories going up if you are curious (that's a blog stream which just shows story posts). I hope you are feeling more confident with all that, story by story. Maybe you will even want to try some totally different kind of style or approach this week! Think back to other people's stories you've read earlier this semester and some new idea might come to mind.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog Stream. I wanted to point out two Storybooks that are using Twine for choose-your-own-adventure-style stories; Brett is using the classic Twine template, and AshLynn is trying out one of the new light-background options. If you're curious about Twine, check these out (the Twine stories start after the Introduction to each project, with the Twine story embedded on a Google Site page; learn how in the Tech Tips).

A Bigger Bookshelf. Reading about the important student protests happening on the OU campus right now, I wanted to do something here in the announcements to acknowledge the need for all of us at OU — faculty, students, staff, everybody — to work on the ongoing struggle for more diversity, inclusion and equity that we need to make OU a better place. There is a lot of work to do, and I think it would be great if we all did something as our contribution. So, starting today I'll be including each day a free online book in order to build a bigger bookshelf, making room for more African and Native American stories and voices... and this is my first book recommendation: Indian Tales of North America edited by Tristram Potter Coffin. Free to read online at Hathi Trust!

Twitter Stream.  It's Freedom to Read Week in Canada right now, and you can learn more from the #FTRWeek Twitter stream!

Indian Epics Today. The epic character for today is Gandhari, Queen of Hastinapura and mother of Duryodhana. More about Gandhari, and here is a short Epified video about how she gave birth to one hundred sons.

Storybooks. This Indian Epics Storybook is about the past lives of Ravana and his brother Kumbhakarna: Reverberations of Time.

Myth-Folklore Video. From the BBC, here is a short video on the Talking Drums of Africa.

Proverbs. And this is a proverb from NamibiaThe cobra knows its length.

Writing. As you're writing, you might want to make use of this punctuation resource: 69 Rules of Punctuation.

Yep, that's the comma with the most rules of all:

Mindset Cats. The mindset cat is always curious and wants to know more.

HEART Video. Philosopher Jesse Prinz has some thoughts on what it means to wonder about the world: WONDER.

Event on Campus. There will be a meeting of the OU Board and Card Game Club tonight at 6:30PM in Headington Room D127 (details): Calling all Settlers of Catan and Fans of Tabletop Games of any kind!

February 27: Fred Rogers. Today marks the anniversary of the death of Fred Rogers in 2003; you can find out more about his wonderful life and career at Wikipedia. This is one of my favorite Mister Rogers videos, a remix created by the folks at PBSStudios: Garden of Your Mind.

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.