And here's what's going on for Week 10:
Week 10 "canceled" for this class. I know that many of you are without power right now, and I certainly do not want you to have to go to campus to do work for this class. So, everybody has received 30 points in the Gradebook for Week 10 already: you'll see the Reading A-B columns have 4 points each, and I added an "ICE" column in Week 10 that has 22 points. I'm sorry that it happened in that hodgepodge way. I never expected this week would turn out quite like this!
(Those of you who had already done the Reading got those points in the extra credit reading column; contact me if you have any questions about how that worked.)
Yes, you can do Week 10 assignments. In fact, that's great! I extended the Story/Lab assignment so it's available through the weekend, along with the Project, Feedback, and Comment assignments, just like usual, plus all the extra credit. So, if you have power, just keep on working like usual. Basically all the work you do for Week 10 is extra credit, and that gets you closer to finishing the class. You can check on your progress using this chart: Progress Chart.
Projects in the stack. I've been working through the stack like usual, and I should be able to respond to all the projects in the stack by the end of the day on Friday as usual. You can check the stack to make sure I received your project.
I hope that all makes sense, and of course if you have any questions, just let me know. The main thing is if you are dealing with a power outage or other ice-storm problems, do not even think about this class right now. Everybody got credit for all of Week 10, and we can just resume regular programming when Week 11 starts on Monday, November 2.
From the Twitter, a horticulturalist up in Oklahoma City took this picture of a Firewheel flower covered with ice: