Monday, November 16

Today is Monday of Week 13. No kidding: Week 13 already! Here is a link to Week 13 and also Week 12 for those of you who are using the grace period this morning. You can find Weeks 14 and 15 on the class calendar.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Project Stack. As always, you can check the stack to make sure I received your project. My goal today is to reply to all the projects that were turned in before the weekend, and hopefully I can start in on the projects people turned in on Saturday also.

Week 13 calendar. Week 13 starts today, and it is spread out over the holiday break. So, that means you have the regular Tues-Wed-Thurs items due this week on November 17-18-19. Then, the end-of-week assignments are not due until the end of Thanksgiving break (November 29), with the usual Monday morning grace period on November 30. Just how you want to arrange that is up to you (you have a whole week off in this class!)... and I would encourage everybody to finish up the class by the end of Week 13 if you can. More about finishing the class here.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog stream. And from the surreal semester of Fall 2020, here is microfiction about quarantine; you can read the 100-word version at Emily's blog, and here's the 6-word version:

Another Day
Today was the same as yesterday.

Twitter stream. Something beautiful from ancient Assyria:

And a Shiva statue from South Africa, via a wonderful Indian art Twitter account:

From Atlas Obscura, the surprising origin of the name California: California Is Named for a Griffin-Riding Black Warrior Queen.

And a reminder that order really can emerge out of chaos... you just need some good vibrations:

Storybook. For those of you exploring Celtic stories in Myth-Folklore, here's a Storybook about a famous Celtic hero: The Relentless Rage of Cu Chulainn.

100-Word Stories. In honor of Alan Watts (see below), here's a story featuring the Buddha: The Monk and his Snake.

The Heart is always hopeful, at least in the world of Awkward Yeti:

And from Tom Gauld, a solution to all our problems... universal happy endings! (larger version)

November 16: Alan Watts. Today marks the death in the year 1973 of Alan Watts, a Buddhist teacher, speaker, and writer who was a tremendous influence in the spread of Buddhist ideas in the West. You can read more at Wikipedia, and here is a video from the Alan Watts Project:

Plus a video with some thoughts from Alan Watts and some beautiful photography (and music from Hans Zimmer!): Life from Above.

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.