Monday, November 30

Today is Monday of Week 14. I hope you had a wonderful holiday break! Here is a link to Week 14, plus a link to Week 13 if you are using the grace period this morning... and Week 15 if you are ready to use any of those assignments to finish up.

Class Procedures and Reminders

Last week of class. Yes, this is it: Week 14 is the last full week of class, although there is also a Week 15 with a complete range of assignments too, but Week 15 runs just through Friday, December 11 at noon. So, make sure you make good use of this week and have a plan in place for finishing up.

Project Stack. As usual, the stack is big on Monday, and I'll focus today on people who are still finishing up the class, and then I'll move on to comments on projects from people who are already done. Thank you for your patience while I work through the stack that way. Meanwhile, you can check the stack to make sure I received your project.

The following items are for fun and exploration:

Blog stream. Here's a fun Wikipedia Trail from Dorothy for anyone who is binge-watching The Crown these days! From Diana to I Dream of Jeannie.

Twitter stream. From, something about the Buddhist jatakas (which were a reading option for both classes!): The Burmese harp and the tales of the Buddha’s previous lives.

From the Library of Congress, a poem by Joe Dale Tate Nevaquaya (Comanche/Yuchi)... yes, recorded in Norman! Here he read his poem: In the Field.

And goodness from Gurdeep of the Yukon:

Storybook. In the spirit of King Arthur (see below), here's a great mash-up Storybook: King Arthur in Japan.

100-Word Stories. And here's a different sort of story about a king; this king is outwitted by Anansi: The King Banishes Anansi.

And finished means... happy! Someone shared this video at the Connection Padlet:

November 30: Mark Twain. Today marks the birthday of Mark Twain in the year 1835. My favorite of Twain's books is A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Courtwhich you can read for free online. His Diaries of Adam and Eve are also a fabulous storytelling experiment. The image below shows Twain accepting an honorary degree at Oxford University in 1907:

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.