Working ahead. All the assignments for Week 1 and Week 2 and Week 3 are available now for those of you who want to start working ahead. To get started, go to the class website, and click on "Week 1 Orientation" for a checklist of activities.
- Mythology-Folklore (MLLL-3043)
- World Literature (MLLL-2003)
- Indian Epics (MLLL-4993)
Ning invitations. We will be using for blogging and class discussion. You should have already receiving a invitation for this class, but if for some reason the invitation did not reach you, send me an email (, and I'll be glad to reissue the invitation.
Ning settings. After you have logged on and created your Ning account, you may want to change the email address as you are using to log on to the system, change your display name, or upload a new image to use in your profile. Here are the Instructions for Adjusting Your Ning Settings. If you have any questions about using the Ning, please let me know!
My schedule. I teach full-time online, so you will find me available to you a solid 40 hours per week, every week. I do most of my work during regular business hours on Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday. I try to schedule my out-of-office commitments on Wednesdays, so I may be a bit more slow to respond to your emails on Wednesday than on the other days of the week - but if you send me an email during the day on Wednesday, I'll definitely get back to you by the end of the day. I also check email over the weekend, although less frequently than during the regular work week. So, please don't hesitate to contact me by email if you have any questions about the course. I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Books. There are no books required for the Myth-Folklore or the World Literature class. For the Indian Epics class, there are four books required, which are available at the OU Bookstore, but which you can also find at used/discounted prices from online booksellers such as Amazon. Here's more Information about the Books for Indian Epics - let me know if you have any questions about that! As for textbooks in general, here's some comic relief! :-)

(Steve Kelley, cartoonist)