Getting Started. All the information you need about the Week 1 Orientation assignments can be found at the course website; just click on the link below to access the course website, and then click on the Week 1 Orientation link to get started. The assignments for Week 2 and for the following weeks are also ready to go, if you want to get a really big head start.
As always, there are lots of little things I have to adjust at the beginning of each new semester, and if you find something that is not working or is not clear, it will be a big help if you can let me know.
My Friday/Weekend Schedule. I'll be at my desk most of the day on Friday, available to answer any questions that you have. Over the weekend, I don't check my email as often, but I can promise to get back to you first thing on Monday morning if you don't get an answer from me over the weekend.
Assignment Stack. For those of you who are already turning in the Proofreading Practice or some other assignment where you will be getting feedback from me, you might have to wait on my comments. Since I don't do any grading over the weekend, anything you turn in after noon on Friday will go into the assignment stack for Monday morning. You can check to make sure I received your assignment by looking at the Assignment Stack which provides a list of the assignments I have received via email.
Howdy Week Events on Campus. The Howdy Week activities include an Orientation Fair at Walker-Adams Mall on Sunday from 3-5PM (time/location/details). Find out more about this event and other events on campus at the Campus Calendar online.
August 19: Gene Roddenberry. Today marks the birthday in 1921 of Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the Star Trek television series and its many spin-offs. You can read about Roddenberry's life and career in this Wikipedia article. Roddenberry died in 1991, and his wife, Majel Barrett (Nurse Chapel in the original series; Lwaxana Troi in the Next Generation) died in 2008. Plans are in place for their ashes to be launched into space sometime next year, in 2012. I have been a fan of Star Trek ever since 1972, when I religiously watched the original series every day after getting home from school (third grade). Now, if you have Netflix streaming, you can watch the original series, the Next Generation, and other Star Trek series with the instant streaming option - and you can also watch the great reboot movie, Star Trek, from summer of 2009. Wouldn't it have been great if Roddenberry could have seen that movie bring Star Trek back to life all over again?! (image source)