Getting Started. All the information you need about the Week 1 Orientation assignments can be found at the course website; just click on the Week 1 Orientation link to get started. The assignments for Week 2 and for the following weeks are also ready to go, if you want to get a big head start.
As always, there are lots of little things I have to adjust at the beginning of each new semester, and if you find something that is not working or is not clear, it will be a big help if you can let me know.
Assignment Stack. For those of you who are already turning in the Proofreading Practice or some other assignment where you will be getting feedback from me, you might have to wait on my comments. In the meantime, you can check to make sure I received your assignment by looking at the Assignment Stack.
My Thursday schedule. I try to schedule my out-of-office appointments and meetings for Thursday, which means I may be away from my desk for a few hours on Thursday and not responding as quickly to email as usual - but if you send me an email during the day on Thursday, I should be able to get back to you by the end of the day!
August 18: Edward Norton. Today is the birthday of one of my favorite actors, Edward Norton - so, Happy Birthday, Edward Norton! You can read about his life and career in this Wikipedia article. There are so many Edward Norton movies which are on my list of personal favorites that I am not even sure which one to mention here - I guess I will opt for The Illusionist, which you can also read about here at Wikipedia. What a great film! My idea of a genius double feature would be The Illustionist paired with another brilliant film about magic-making, The Prestige.