Class Procedures and Reminders
Comments and Feedback. The Week 7 blog comments and project feedback randomizers are ready to go whenever you are! My goal is for each storytelling blog post to get at least one comment each week. If that doesn't happen, then I roll that story into the next week's randomizer. Overall the comments are being distributed much more evenly than back when I tried to put people into little groups each week (those of you who had a class with me before remember those round-robin groups). I'm really glad this is working out because the second half of the semester will be even more hectic, and we'll need more help from the power of random to make sure the comments get spread around to all the story posts.
Extra Credit. If you enjoy the blog commenting, remember that there's an extra blog comment option available all week, every week! Find out more in the extra credit section of this week's assignments.
Project Stack. On Monday, I managed to reply to assignments turned in on Saturday morning and early Saturday afternoon; I should be able to finish the Saturday assignments today and move on to Sunday. While you are waiting on comments back from me about your Project assignment, you can check the stack to make sure I received your email.
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Class Twitter. There was so much good stuff at yesterday's Twitter on the occasion of #GandhiJayanti, and my favorite item was In the Footsteps of Gandhi from National Geographic; click the link to see the article about all the places Gandhi lived and worked:

Storybook Archive. This project is from the Indian Epics class: Asuras Anonymous. Sit in on this group session to hear about the profound changes in the lives of Viradha, Maricha, and the father-daughter pair of Vibhishana and Trijata.

Video: The video for today is actually three videos; I thought in the spirit of creative re-tellings, I would offer three different versions of Bohemian Rhapsody: literal, translated, and Muppets. :-)
Growth Mindset: Today's growth mindset cat is growing as part of a team: Working in a team, I can learn more. You can find out more at the Growth Mindset blog.

Event on Campus: Nyakio Grieco will be giving a talk at 6PM in the Innovation Hub (details). Her father was Jidlaph Kamoche, a professor of history here at OU from 1977 until his death in 2013, and you can find out more about Nyakio Kamoche Grieco in this Ebony interview.
October 3: Woody Guthrie. Today is the 50th anniversary of the death of the folksinger and activist Woody Guthrie, one of Oklahoma's greatest gifts to the world; he was born in Okemah in 1912 and died on this day in 1967. You can see him pictured here with his guitar and its iconic label, This Machine Kills Fascists, and below you can listen to his ballad about the Italian Hall Massacre of 1913.
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.