Class Procedures and Reminders
Your blog introduction. As you've seen, you are going to keep getting comments on your blog Introduction all semester long, so if you want to add something to it (like a video, images, etc.), you can certainly do that! If you create memes for extra credit, for example, you can share them in your Introduction post too, which means they will reach new readers all semester long.
Project Stack. If you turned in something on Sunday, you should have comments back from me now. I'll get through as much of the stack as I can today, and you can check the stack to make sure I received your email. If there is anything left in the stack at the end of the day today, it will be at the top of the stack for Monday!
The following items are for fun and exploration:
Blog Stream. When I saw this Wikipedia Trail from Crystel, I knew I had to share it here because it begins with one of my favorite actresses: From Cicely Tyson to Elvis Presley.
India Video. Here's a lovely Maati Baani video, a collaboration between musicians from India and from Pakistan: Rang Rangiya. Turn on CC for the closed captions in English. I wanted to share this one for International Peace Day (see below).
Myth Video. And here's another Crash Course video: Fire and Buffalo Goddesses.
Myth Item. Another word from mythology: HYPNOTIC from the Greek god of Sleep, Hypnos.

Writing. If you want to start writing, just... start writing.

Meanwhile, beware of the caffeine causality loop.

And here's a fun growth mindset animation from Sprouts at YouTube.
Event on Campus. Come celebrate the 40th anniversary of Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” at 6PM in the Brackett Theatre (details).
September 21: International Day of Peace. Today is a United Nations holiday in celebration of world peace; you can find out more at Wikipedia and at the Peace Day website. Let there be peace on earth!
Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.