January 20: Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! See information below about a celebration on campus, along with information about Martin Luther King's trip to India; I thought that might be of interest to those of you in the India class.

Starting Week 2. If you are using today to get started on Week 2, here is that link: Week 2 assignments. If you are finishing up any items from the Orientation week, here's that link: Week 1. (Because of the Monday holiday, the grace period for those Week 1 assignments will go until Tuesday morning at noon.)

My schedule today. I'll be putting in a half day at work, so I should be able to reply to any emails that come in. As always, please let me know if you have any questions at all!

Event on Campus. There will be a Martin Luther King Celebration Concert today at 3PM. The Norman Philharmonic will perform the music of composer Rosephanye Dunn Powell with the Richard Zielinski Singers and combined OU choirs, and then there will be a sing-along and march afterwards (details).


In 1959, Martin Luther King made a trip to India, prompted by his high regard for Gandhi, whom he called "“the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social change." You can find out more about Dr. King's trip to India in 1959, and here is a picture of Dr. King and Coretta Scott King arriving in Mumbai:

This is a video clip from PBS: MLK in Gandhi's Footsteps.

Dr. King talks about Gandhi and nonviolence in this video:

Here is an NPR report about a special recording: Martin Luther King Recording Found In India (transcript).

Check out the Twitter stream for information and fun stuff during the day, or click here for past announcements.